Protecting Children and Holding Big Tech Accountable


Support of the EARN IT Act

We have to put people first, especially kids who are victims of child pornography, now more appropriately referred to as Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM). Every day, more and more images of groomed, abused, and exploited children appear on the internet. Reports of these images have increased 10,000 percent since 1998, to over 70 million in 2019.  

Why is this happening? Because the tech giants who control social media allow it and profit from it.

Under current law tech giants aren’t prosecuted for distributing CSAM. They aren’t even required to report it. That’s why I not only support the bipartisan EARN IT Act, I have been actively working with the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and Senators Graham’s and Blumenthal’s policy staff on the legislation. 

Hold Big Tech Accountable for Online Harm

The Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act, also known as the EARN IT Act, holds tech giants accountable for distributing CSAM (child pornography), creates a commission to better monitor it, and gives law enforcement new tools to battle it. As your representative in Congress, I will always fight hard to keep children safe online. Children are our future. 

People Over Politics is my guiding principle. It’s time to stop squabbling and name-calling in politics. Get it done.


What You Can Do Right Now

Call Senator Jon Tester to request he support the EARN IT Act

  • Office of Senator Jon Tester
    311 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510-2604
    Phone: (202) 224-2644
    Fax: (202) 224-8594

Call Senator Steve Daines to request he support the EARN IT Act

  • Office of Senator Steve Daines
    320 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20510
    p: (202) 224-2651

Help Penny bring common sense to Capitol Hill.